Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Alaskians Adventurers Passing By Atlanta

Today I was coming back home from my job, and in the midst of Atlanta's rush hour (I-75 North) when everybody is more than willing to get back home, traffic getting more and more intense and slow... Suddenly I spot right by my car side, this little Chev Lumina with the TAG from ALASKA. And I was curious, so I started thinking: Why in the world this two young guys(was two young men in the car) are doing here in Atlanta? My goodness, Alaska is just SO FAR away from Atlanta; and these two guys were passing by, I mean they were passing by!! Looks like they were coming from Florida or something, because they were taking picture along the way.

Now think with me, I've looked in the Rand McNally Map and for these guys to get back home IF they live in Alaska's Capital City, or Anchorage, AK they have to drive about 4,368 miles... Well if they are tourist from Europe or Brazil where the distance are measured in kilomenters, they have to drive about 6,990 Km.

So, lets make some math here: If they are able to drive 12 hours a day and after that take a night of sleep and rest, they probably will be capable to advance in their journey about 650 miles, which include stops to fill the tank, go to rest areas, and have some small lunch(that is an estimation on a 65 mph). Well, in this velocity of moving up northwest they will take 6 days and 8 hours to get home. If their Lumina can drives about 330 miles with a tank, they gonna have to stop at the gas pump 13 time, probably they will burn about 200 gallons of gasoline. Crazy young people!!!

After considering all these numbers, my driving in the bad Atlanta's traffic was so fast and nice, and I've got home faster than I really thought.
Any ways, Home Sweet Home!! It is so good to be home!!


Toni said...

How observant you are, O.T.! And I love your commentary on the venture! Thanks for your generous comments on my blog. It is so nice to share the talent the Lord blessed me with, with other talented Christians!

*** Patty *** said...

Olá amigo !
Agradeço os comentários que vc deixou no meu blog..obrigada ! Seu blog é muito legal, parabens !
Quanto ao comentário das verdades sobre o Orkut, achei bacana quando vi em outro blog e decidi publicar. Mas confesso: eu tenho Orkut rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs O que nao me impede de enxergar as verdades rsrsrs