"In 1860, the United State is a land of striking cultural and economic differences - an industrial North, which relies on free labor, and an agrarian South, whose prosperity depends on cotton and 3,500,000 Negro slaves.
In the past, quarrels between North and South over representation in Congress, tariffs on imported goods, and states' rights have always resulted in compromise. But the debate over enforcing fugitive slave laws and expanding slavery into the western territories has grown increasingly bitter.
Controversy becomes conflict in 1856, as pro - and anti-slavery settlers clash on the Kansas frontier. The crisis deepens in October, 1859, when John Brown, and a few followers seize the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, hopping to use the weapons stored there to start a slave revolt. Captured, convicted of reason, and condemned to hang, Brown's trial makes him a martir in the North and a monster in the South. His execution marks the end of America's willingness to settle the slavery issue peacefully."
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